Most famous Alpha Females: Fan BingBing and Wu ZeTian

This is an interim blog post to let readers know that this blog isn’t dead. I haven’t updated for a month and a half now – I expected the Imperial Doctress to come out in mid-April, so I didn’t expect my drama-hiatus would be so excruciatingly long.

Unfortunately Hunan TV/the different Chinese TV stations and the Imperial Doctress producers have disagreements with money and copyright issues, so even though production and editing is done, the airing date has been pushed back and is TBA. I’ve got so much free time now that I’ve considered re-watching Prince of Lan Ling for a fifth time.


IDGAF how many times I’ve watched it, Prince of Lan Ling slaps me across the face and makes me cry everytime.

During my hiatus, my blog traffic died down a lot until the recent airing of the Empress of China in Hong Kong at TVB. I gotta say, their dubbing is absolutely f*cking dreadful. It’s a mix of awkward ‘old’ Chinese and Cantonese slang but hey, Empress of China is popular again and a lot of people are visiting the site who are watching it for the first time.

This is why I’m dedicating this interim blog post to Fan BingBing. There is no other alpha female in the film industry that could have portrayed the most famous alpha female in Chinese history. If you didn’t know what alpha females were, they are as rare as they come. They are the queen-bees of the world – alpha females are never afraid to ask for what they want – they are assertive and borderline aggressive reaching their desires. The alpha female takes no excuses and makes no complaints and aligns her self-worth with her career and passions.


Normally, the alpha females that we might think of are women in leadership – like Hillary Clinton, Oprah, or Jessica from the TV show ‘Suits’. There are few to no Asian women that are so unabashedly outspoken and ambitious.

I mean, Wu ZeTian, being the only Chinese Emperor in all of its history, needs no further explanation of her Machiavellian ways.

BingBing is one of the few women that owns up to being vain and power-hungry. Known in the industry as ‘Grandfather Fan’ (范爺), her dominance and influence is well-known everywhere she goes.

Both women are known to be intelligent, assertive, and breathtakingly beautiful.


Reporter: What do you think about actresses that aim to marry into wealth? Is that something that you’ve considered?

BingBing: Why marry into wealth? I have wealth. If marrying rich is the intent, then they can consider marrying me instead.

Fan Bingbing Cute Sitting Pose In White Long Dress

I work very hard. I give all my time to my work. I’m a Virgo – a perfectionist.

BingBing opened her own company (Fan BingBing Studios) when she was only 26 – it’s studio that she used to film Empress of China. She was not only the lead actress on set, she was also an investor, and the boss.


If I’m a vase, then I’m one of the most precious and expensive vases – the type that you cannot just put anywhere. 


If you lower your head, your crown will fall off. If you shed tears, villains will rejoice.


After being single for so long – I’ve suddenly realized a very depressing thought: I have become the man that I would like to marry. 


I think about work 24 hours a day – nothing else stimulates my brain more. 


If you ever hesitate on purchasing expensive cosmetics, ask yourself why you do not think that you’re worth that price. 


If a twenty-something year old in this world does not have hunger nor ambition, then she will never be able to have a standing in this society. I would think that person is very lazy – I act fearless to overcome such lazy thoughts. 


I have a strong personality – not the type that easily depends on others. In my mind, we’re all equal – he can rely on me if he wants. 


Honestly speaking – I, Fan BingBing, am the selling point. 

Beautiful Pose Of Fan Bingbing In Black Dress N Black Hat

I work hard so I can be in control.


Being accused of being a tyrant for being a film hog:

Regarding being a tyrant? Only the capable can fight for what they want. 


Especially in Asian culture where we celebrate soft-spoken, demure, and naive women, Fan BingBing proudly asserts her ambitions and her dominance. Can you tell that I absolutely love her?


That’s it for my interim blog post – just wanted to keep this blog alive! Hopefully, it won’t be long until one my long awaited dramas come out.

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