武媚娘传奇: The Empress of China Episode 90, 91 Trailer Recap/Review Synopsis and Summary

Has 96 episodes in total? 5 episodes left!

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about when the drama ends, since it was 82 at first, and now it’s still going. Through investigative detective work that I did (which is googling) I think that it should have a total of 96 episodes. Will everything else be fit into five episodes? I’m not sure but I hope it’s not too rushed. The recap for Episode 90 is pretty brief. Not much happened in this episode, only the failed assassination of Mei Niang. But what’s interesting is the trailer for Episode 91 instead, so I’m looking forward to tomorrow. It seems like Mei Niang’s world is falling down on her, all the closest people to her are turning on her.

The episode surrounds around Mei Niang hosting/chairing the Buddhist celebration. It’s screencap heavy because her outfit was so detailed and gorgeous. It’s peacock inspired, and it was so intricately made.

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They added a considerable amount of bulk onto her to make her look older – plus the heavy white make-up helps too.

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Dat outfit



So as she is walking towards the big Buddhist statue:

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… while suddenly an assassin jumps out and tries to kill her. She pulls that most badass move that anyone has ever done in history when being assassinated. She closes her eyes and spreads her arms…

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what a boss


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… and smiles.

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Just. I can’t. So badass. The assassin fails because someone messed with his weapon beforehand. When investigating who would want to assassinate the Empress, all signs lead to Zhang Sun Wu Ji as the main culprit behind this. One of the common chancellors received a detailed anonymous tip. So the angered Emperor put Zhang Sun Wu Ji under house arrest.

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Do you guys remember Wang De? The eunuch that was serving the previous Emperor as well as this current one Li Zhi? He just disappeared… I guess out of logical reasoning he could’ve died from old age, but Wang De… You were a good eunuch. You will be missed.

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Anyways, Zhang Sun Wu Ji writes a letter to the Emperor, reminiscing about the times that they had spent together, and their uncle-nephew relationship over their Emperor-Chancellor relationship. It made Li Zhi very guilty and very frustrated – it seems those are the only feelings and actions that he’s capable of feeling, because he has yet another unproductive hissy fit, while Mei Niang again picks up after his crap since he’s unable to meet with his own uncle. It seems like Mei Niang is just consistently the brains and actions behind everything.

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Mei Niang meets Zhang Sun Wu Ji in a crazy intricate headdress and outfit again. I swear, half of the 49 million was spent on her own costumes. They’re all so intricate and luxurious.

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… although not the most flattering. This hair and headpiece is really not doing it for her.

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From their meeting, two questions are raised:

1) If Mei Niang expected the chairing of the festival to be a trap, why did she go? Did she expect to die there? Did she already know that the weapon was messed around with already? Is that why she spread her arms and closed her eyes?

2) If Zhang Sun Wu Ji was all behind this, who was the one that tipped one of the common chancellors off? And who rigged the weapon to kill Mei Niang to save her? Was it Zhang Sun Wu Ji? But why?

They didn’t finish off their conversation during the episode, so there are so many questions unanswered. They’ll probably answer within the next few episodes but I mean, this drama is no stranger to leaving open doors unclosed, and putting in strange details when they don’t add to the plot, so maybe we’ll never know.


Episode 91 Trailer

So Li Hong, this little self-righteous brat, goes against his own mother in the trailer, asking her to step down because of two reasons: she should not be within politics, and that Consort Xiao’s daughters are actually alive and living an unbearable life in ye ting. They were going to get sent into exile anyways, but still, that’s the Emperor’s bloodline, so I guess it’s a big deal.

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It just bugs me – you wouldn’t have been Crown Prince if it wasn’t for your mother, you little idealistic brat. This is what your mother had to do in order for you to be in power right now! Sew angry.

Anyways I also looked up Ming Yue from Episode 90 Trailer. So apparently she’s Mei Niang’s niece in history, and the Emperor becomes attracted to her. So remember in the previous episodes where Mei Niang briefly mentions that her mother has not forgiven her? It is said that Ming Yue was sent by her mother to seduce the Emperor to get revenge on Mei Niang (for reasons that I really don’t know). History says that (or wiki says) when the Emperor develops a liking towards Ming Yue, and considers allowing her to stay in the palace as a concubine, Mei Niang poisons her and blames the death on her cousins (which aren’t even introduced, so maybe the plot will change).

But regardless, Ming Yue will die – that’s what you get for going against for one of the most power-hungry women in history.